Our Decadent Mission

Underscores Baked Goods is the first artisan bakery to specialize in and excel at upscale, affordable, allergen friendly comfort food desserts designed exclusively for retail. We offer artistically crafted products that both embody the essence of comfort in decadence, and categorically represent the best in responsible nutrition management and lofty ingredient sourcing standards, designed specifically to keep health and allergen concerns at bay. 

We are committed to bringing you the same (if not better) sensory experience as traditional non-gluten free, non-allergen free, non-vegan baked goods. At our shop, our allergy friendly ingredients are minimally processed and every item is vegan, fruit sweetened, and made using a combination of organic, natural, and fair trade ingredients that are gluten free, wheat free, dairy free, egg free, and nut free among other allergens.

We provide the very best of both worlds. With our products, consumers can bask in the indulgence of richly decadent comfort food, and they can finally do so without cheating their bodies or their taste buds. 

Please note our retail products are allergy friendly, and are made with vegan, organic, natural, fair-trade, non-GMO ingredients that are:

gluten free

wheat free

dairy free

egg free

yeast free

rice free

treenut free

peanut free

soy free


Find your happy place, eat your heart out, and with every bite live the serenity of a sage. We’ll see you there.